Well, I spent a portion of my day getting up the Aitch and Zee blog and creating some "Web Comic" templates together on my design computer. After all that, I took a short dinner break, watched some Hulu and Crunchy Roll programming, and finally, after two five-minute concept sketches, I began scouring the internet for images to use as concept subjects for my newest endeavors.
First, my search lead me to look for legs. This is hard to do, let me tell you. You must be very mindful of the search criteria or else you just end up with porn; not fun. =)
My second set of searches had me looking for arms. Less stringent search parameters gave me a few models to work with.
Tomorrow I will begin some serious sketching on much larger paper, but for now, here are the very preliminary sketches for the two newest pieces:
This is the second piece I will work on and will take a considerable amount of time to complete. Trying to get arms and the chins to form a "heart" shape in the center may prove to be difficult, or at least on small paper it was. |
I already had the general concept down for this first piece. The idea came to me while lounging by the pool with my behbeh on vacation. When you are in love, it is hard not to let it seep into your ideas and creative outlets, I suppose. |
Now, I am off to bed and hoping to have a fairly productive day with my giant pads of sketch paper, my musical muses, and my trusty sketch pencil!
I hope to get more up tomorrow, perhaps even work on some of the lingering pieces if I don't get to tired. You will just have to check back and see!!!