I had about an hour to kill on Friday, so I decided Naruto needed some sprucing up. Since I knew I wanted to work on the skin tones and some of the more subtle things before getting into the other elements of this piece, this seemed like the perfect time killer to work with.
Now, I have a few pictures to upload, but you will have to pay careful attention, since this layer will be less noticeable that the initial layer, for obvious reasons (lol).
Here goes (I will try to list some of the changes):
At the start, I wanted to add an extra layer of highlight pigment to the skin. This continues for a few pictures.
Highlight Pigment
Highlight Pigment
Highlight Pigment
Highlight Pigment
Highlight Pigment (Around Ears too)
Highlight and low light in the green tones.
Added Together...
Added Together...
Added Together...
Greens...Accents around the "Hidden Leaf" and Neck)
Greens...Accents around the "Hidden Leaf" and Neck)
New coat of black background
The inspiration for the details of the "Sage Mode" eye (Always good to consult nature for ideas on how to make things look more natural lol)
Layer Two Result of Frog Eye
Together Again...
Together Again...
Highlighted Accents for Nine-Tails (Including "Hidden Leaf)
Highlighted Accents for Nine-Tails (Including "Hidden Leaf)
Faces Together
Faces Together
As Far as I got...Full Canvas
Layer Two - Complete-ish
Great job!!