Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Marks and Scars

Recently, over last few months, I began to work on a project of self discovery with my G+ community.  The project is called the Selfy Sunday Project, which runs bi-weekly and helps to pull the photogs from behind the camera and step into the spotlight.  last week was my most bold piece of expression.  Becoming "okay" with one's self is not always easy, but with a crew like that, it is tough to feel down about anything.

I know my painting has taken a backseat (not for another decade, though) to my newer interests, but I still want to keep this blog rolling for anything artistic; may it be images of photographs, paintings, drawings, or even digital design.

From the Selfy Sunday Project, I give you "Marks and Scars":

We all carry marks or scars that form us into the creatures we will be until we draw our last breath. Some carry the scars of an immortal and unstoppable youth, careers and choices, or the marks of motherhood and self sacrifice. Though we hold strong, choose never to settle, and always accepting of who we are, we will never reach a perfection beyond what we project out to the world. In doing so, you can achieve a beauty undeniable and beyond that of the flesh. - Shantha Marie Fountain

The next piece is that of a displaced overlay portrait of my munchkin:

I hope you have a lovely day!

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