Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!

The closest thing to being creative today came with actually applying some make-up and doing something that took more than 5 minutes with my hair.

As part of the art, I will share a picture and close by saying, "Happy Thanksgiving"!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fur Cereal!

Okay...Well, I promised work would be done and that meant I was serious (fur cereal, even)...

That is my serious face >.>

Here is the work I accomplished on the Mommy and Monster project; wait until you see the time and dedication I put into it.  You will see my "game" face for sure!!!

Getting the hair going...

...and going...

...and going...

...and going...

...and going...

...and going...

...and going...(beginning to feel like a trailer for 'Tangled')

Base color for eyes

More of a full shot

Better lighting angle

Fur Cereal Game Face (grrrr)

Layering some color depth on the eyes

Moar Hair!

I bet you are noticing a trend! =D

A little of the Monster's side with Mommy's additions

Some different angles

Mommy Face

Monster Face

Left it to dry and such and was so exhausted from my day...

So, as you can see, I am a "serious" artist!

A "cereal" multi-tasker!

I am the Walrus!

Painting builds strong muscles...The funny ones!

Even ducks can be walrus too! ^.~

It is a bad habit, but I can't help being goofy while I enjoy doing something that brings me peace. =)

So...Until next time, I wish you all a good night! =D

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Work and Play

I did get a bit more of the Mommy and Monster Project #1 completed, but my parents came into town and I spent some quality time with the boyfriend, so I did not get to posting the pics tonight/this morning.  I will get to that later! =)

As for the "play" part, I stumbled upon this site, and think it is wonderfully artistic in my favorite way; it has females with tattoos:

Very cool site and has some wonderful pictures of tattooed bodies, and I hope to have some more (painting, not tattoos) for you soon.  My new tattoos will just have to wait!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Whirlwind of a Weekend

I didn't accomplish anything too artistic this weekend, but I have few plans in the works.  Last weekend was a whirlwind between coloring my friend's hair, taking the munchkins to see Megamind, which was hilarious and cute for all parties involved, and family photos taken by yours truly so my friend and her family could have some nice holiday cards.  I did a pretty good job considering I was free. =)

This week, I absolutely promised my little one that I would finish the project we started, and she is eager to begin another.  I suppose I need more canvas.

Tomorrow night may be a good time to work on some concept sketches for my upcoming projects.  Stay tuned and see if my lazy tush can get into high gear. =D